I want to autoplay my video on mouse over. Can anybody tell me how to make it play via media player or flash player?
PS: Can I play WMV/ASF/MP4 in flash player?
Well I have found that it is easiest to use swf files to show movies in the browser for two reasons: Easy to use javascript to control them and they work in old browsers. (It is easy to convert any movie format to swf).
Also there is the simplistic freedom of the swf, I looked into at the time quite intensively and could not find a single flashplayer that allowed me to control it 100% even if I was willing to spend time researching and programming.
And luckily for you I have a simple JS framework I made myself for embedding and controlling movies in a webpage (should work in all browsers) [Note: I understood JS classes back then even less then I do now so].
function FlashController(name)
this.flashMovie = this.getFlashMovieObject(name);
this.getXPos = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 0));
this.getYPos = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 1));
this.getXScale = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 2));
this.getYScale = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 3));
this.getNextFrame = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 4));
this.getCurrentFrame = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 4) - 1);
this.getTotalFrames = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 5));
this.getAlpha = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 6));
this.getVisibility = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 7));
this.getWidth = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 8));
this.getHeight = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 9));
this.getRotation = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 10));
this.getTarget = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 11));
this.getFramesLoaded = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetPropertyAsNumber("/", 12));
this.getName = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 13));
this.getDropTarget = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 14));
this.getURL = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 15));
this.getHighQuality = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 16));
this.getFocusRect = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 17));
this.getSoundBufTime = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TGetProperty("/", 18));
this.setXPos = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 0, value);
this.setYPos = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 1, value);
this.setXScale = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 2, value);
this.setYScale = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 3, value);
this.setAlpha = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 6, value);
this.setVisibility = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 7, value);
this.setRotation = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 10, value);
this.setName = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 13, value);
this.setHighQuality = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 16, value);
this.setFocusRect = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 17, value);
this.setSoundBufTime = function(value)
this.flashMovie.TSetProperty("/", 18, value);
this.getVariable = function(path)
return (this.flashMovie.GetVariable(path));
this.gotoFrame = function(num)
var loaded = getFramesLoaded();
if(num > loaded)
return (this.flashMovie.GoToFrame(loaded));
return (this.flashMovie.GoToFrame(num));
this.isPlaying = function()
return (this.flashMovie.IsPlaying());
this.loadMovie = function(layerNum, url)
return (this.flashMovie.loadMovie(layerNum, url));
this.panPixels = function(hPx, vPx)
this.flashMovie.Pan(hPx, vPx, 0);
this.panPercent = function(hP, vP)
this.flashMovie.Pan(hP, vP, 1);
this.getPercentLoaded = function()
var value = Math.round(movieControls.getFramesLoaded()/movieControls.getTotalFrames() * 100);
value = 0;
return (value);
this.play = function()
this.rewind = function()
this.setVariable = function(path, value)
this.flashMovie.setVariable(path, value);
this.zoomRect = function(left, top, right, bottom)
this.flashMovie.SetZoomRect(left, top, right, bottom);
this.stop = function()
this.zoom = function(percent)
this.zoomReset = function()
this.callFrame = function(frame)
this.flashMovie.TCallFrame("/", frame);
this.callLabel = function(label)
this.flashMovie.TCallLabel("/", label);
this.currentLabel = function()
return (this.flashMovie.TCallLabel("/"));
this.goToFrame = function(num)
this.flashMovie.TGotoFrame("/", num);
this.goToLabel = function(label)
this.flashMovie.TGotoLabel("/", label);
//Description: Generated as the Flash movie is downloading. The argument type is integer.
this.OnProgress = function(percent)
//Description: Generated when the ready state of the control changes.
//The possible states are:
//0=Loading, 1=Uninitialized, 2=Loaded, 3=Interactive, 4=Complete.
this.OnReadyStateChange = function(state)
//Description: Generated when an FSCommand action is performed in the movie with a URL
//and the URL starts with FSCommand :
//Use this to create a response to a frame or button action in the Flash movie.
//The argument type is string.
this.FSCommand = function(command, args)
this.nextFrame = function()
var nextFrame = getNextFrame();
if(nextFrame >= getTotalFrames())
nextFrame = 0;
FlashController.prototype.getFlashMovieObject = function(movieName)
if (window.document[movieName])
return (window.document[movieName]);
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1)
if (document.embeds && document.embeds[movieName])
return (document.embeds[movieName]);
else // if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")!=-1)
return (document.getElementById(movieName));
FlashController.embedVideo = function(location, name, filePath, bgColor, width, height)
location.innerHTML += '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" '
+ 'codebase="" id="' + name + '" width=' + width + ' height=' + height + '>'
+ '<param name="movie" value="' + filePath + '">'
+ '<embed play=false swliveconnect=true name="' + name + '" '
+ 'src="' + filePath + '" quality="high" '
+ 'bgcolor=' + bgColor + ' width=' + width + ' height=' + height + ' type="application/x-shockwave-flash">'
+ '</embed></object>';
To use (I think, it has been awhile):
FlashController.embedVideo(nodeToPutItIn, "movie.swf", fullPathToSWF, backGroundColor, width, height); //Or simply hard code into the webpage.
var myMovie = new FlashController("movie.swf");
nodeToPutItIn.onMouseOver = "myMovie.play();"; //never actually done this command before so syntax might be off.
//Note: you have to wait for the movie to load if it is over a slow connection or it is big.
If you have any more specific questions then feel free to ask.
I have finally found one way to resolve this by using flow player.
<'a' href="/PlayList/myvideo.flv" style="display: block; width: 520px; height: 330px"
<!-- this will install flowplayer inside previous A- tag. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
flowplayer("player", "flowplayer-3.2.7.swf", {
clip: {
autoPlay: false,
autoBuffering: true
onLoad: function () { // called when player has finished loading
this.setVolume(30); // set volume property
onMouseOver: function () {
onMouseOut: function () {