I have a script that I want to run on a scheduled basis in node. The script is not terminating and exiting. I suspect that this is because my database client is still open.
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
function registerBundle (innerHash, outterHash) {
// some stuff here
var query = client.query("SELECT id, chain FROM mytable where \
state_ready = true and transaction_id='' ");
query.on('row', function(row) {
var chain = row['chain'];
var pg_record = row['id'];
var innerHash = "something";
var outerHash = "something else";
var registrar = registerBundle(innerHash, outerHash);
var update = client.query('UPDATE mytable SET transaction_id = $1::text \
where id=$2::int', [transactionHash, pg_record]);
if I include the following, the client connection closes before the updates have a time to fire.
query.on('end', function() {
I cannot use setTimeout or any other such mechanism because I don't know how long to wait for the registerBundle function to complete. Also I think query.on('end' will fire when the update is completed. Not sure how to test this.
My question, I need things to fire in order.
- Query DB
- Process each row (query.on
- Update each row with value returned from registerBundle
- Close db client/connection when all rows have been processed.
- Terminate script and exit node
Seems pretty straightforward from a python/php world but falls apart in my javascript world.
A promise-based interface like pg-promise is the way to go:
var bluebird = require('bluebird');
var pgp = require('pg-promise')({
promiseLib: bluebird
var db = pgp(/*connection details*/);
db.tx(t => {
// BEGIN executed
return t.map('SELECT id, chain FROM mytable where state_ready = $1 and transaction_id = $2', [true, 123], a => {
var chain = data.chain;
var pg_record = data.id;
return t.none('UPDATE mytable SET transaction_id = $1::text where id=$2::int', [transactionHash, pg_record]);
}).then(t.batch); // settling all internal queries
.then(data => {
// success, COMMIT executed
.catch(error => {
// error, ROLLBACK executed
.finally(pgp.end); // shuts down the connection pool
The example above does exactly what you asked for, plus it uses a transaction. But in reality you're gonna want to do it all in one query, for performance reasons ;)
See more examples.