Ninject.Web (webforms extension), injecting outside of a webform page?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-11 07:33:15


I've been using the Ninject.Web extension to inject business objects, repositories, Entity Framework context etc into my application. This works very well using the [Inject] attribute which can be applied within a webform that inherits from PageBase. I am now running into a snag as I am trying to write a custom membership provider that needs injection done inside of it but of course this provider is not instantiated from within a webform. Forms Authentication will instantiate the object when it needs it. I am unsure how to about doing this without having access to the [Inject] attribute. I understand that there is an application level kernel somewhere, but I have no idea how to tap into it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


You do a IKernel.Inject on the the instance. Have a look at the source for the Application class in the extension project you're using.

In the case of V2, it's in a KernelContainer. So you need to do a:

KernelContainer.Inject( this )

where this is the non-page, non application class of which you speak.

You'll need to make sure this only happens once - be careful doing this in Global, which may get instantiated multiple times.

Also, your Application / Global class needs to derive from NinjectHttpAppplication, but I'm sure you've that covered.


You don't have to use the service locator pattern, just inject into properties of your custom membership provider in Application_Start. Assuming you've registed the providers properly you can do this with something like:

    protected void Application_Start()


        // Inject account repository into our custom membership & role providers.

        // Register the Object Id binder.
        ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(ObjectId), new ObjectIdModelBinder()); 

I've written up a more in depth explanation here:


you may need to use the Service Locator pattern, since you have no control over the creation of the membership provider.

