Laravel Excel is converting dates from heading into some numbers

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-11 07:31:47


I have a problem which is connected with Laravel Excel. I have heading filled with dates for example: 2018-05-23. But when I read it with excel extension by using:

 $data = Excel::load($request['file'], function($reader) {})->get();

The extension is not treating the heading dates as dates. Instead of that it converts the dates into some numbers - for example: 43243.

Here is dd of the sheet:

Important note: When the date is in a normal row (not in heading) then the date is converted well.

Version of Laravel Excel (maatwebsite/excel) - 2.1.0
Version of Laravel - 5.5


I think due to ExcelParser. It converts the date header field into some random numbers.

So to make it work for your requirement then add the column header inside the double quotes.

Example : "2018-05-23"


The numbers come from excel itself, dates stored in excel as numeric values.

For Laravel framework 5.6 and maatwebsite/excel package version 3.1, to convert date from excel numbers to normal date format, this function PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date::excelToDateTimeObject($dateFromExcel) can be used. It accepts integer(excel date) and returns DateTime object.

More information can be found here

