I want to create a pagination helper. The only parameters that it needs are currentpage, pagecount and routename. However, I do not know if it is possible to use the return value of another html helper inside the definition of my html helper. I am referring specifically to Html.RouteLink. How can I go about doing something like this in the class definition
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MvcApplication1.Helpers
public static class LabelExtensions
public static string Label(this HtmlHelper helper, string routeName, int currentpage, int totalPages)
string html = "";
//Stuff I add to html
//I'd like to generate a similar result as the helper bellow.
//This code does not work, it's just an example of what I'm trying to accomplish
html .= Html.RouteLink( pageNo, routeName, new { page = pageNo - 1 } );
//Other stuff I do the html
return html;
Thank you.
Generally, yes you can use the results of other Html Helper functions within your custom functions. The exception would be any that write directly to the response stream rather than returning a string value.
I've done this sort of thing several times myself, and it works just fine...here's a sample I just totally made up right now based on something I did that I don't have the code for handy right now:
public static string RssFeed(this HtmlHelper helper, string url)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(GetRSSMarkup(url)); // This generates the markup for the feed data
sb.Append(helper.ActionLink("Go Home","Index","Home"));
return sb.ToString();