I'm refactoring a colleague's code, and I have several cases where he's using a cursor to get "the latest row that matches some predicate":
His technique is to write the join as a cursor, order it by the date field descending, open the cursor, get the first row, and close the cursor.
This requires calling a cursor for each row of the result set that drives this, which is costly for many rows. I'd prefer to be able to join, but what something cheaper than a correlated subquery:
select a.id_shared_by_several_rows, a.foo from audit_trail a
where a.entry_date = (select max(a.entry_date)
from audit_trail b
where b.id_shared_by_several_rows = a.id_shared_by_several_rows
I'm guessing that since this is a common need, there's an Oracle analytic function that does this?
This will only do one pass over the data, and may be used to get as many columns from the table as needed without doing a self-join.
OVER (PARTITION BY a.id_shared_by_several_rows
ORDER BY a.entry_date DESC)
AS foo
from audit_trail a;
There are analytics RANK, DENSE_RANK and ROW_NUMBER for identifying the sequence number of a row according to a sort criteria. They differ in how they handle rows that do not differ in the order columns. [Eg you may get 1,1,3 or 1,1,2 or 1,2,3.]
select index_name, column_name, column_position,
rank() over (partition by table_name order by column_position) rnk,
dense_rank() over (partition by table_name order by column_position) drnk,
row_number() over (partition by table_name order by column_position) rn
from all_ind_columns
where index_owner = 'SYSMAN'
and table_name = 'MGMT_JOB_EXECUTION';
Because analytics operate on the selected rows, you still need a subquery/inline view to filter out the ones you don't want. In this example, INDEX_NAME is the shared identifier
select index_name, column_name
(select index_name, column_name, column_position,
row_number() over (partition by index_name order by column_position) rn
from all_ind_columns
where index_owner = 'SYSMAN'
and table_name = 'MGMT_JOB_EXECUTION')
where rn = 1;
I believe you want to use
max(id_shared_by_several_rows) keep (dense_rank first order by entry_date),
max(foo ) keep (dense_rank first order by entry_date)
Try this:
select id_shared_by_several_rows, foo from (
select a.id_shared_by_several_rows, a.foo, a.entry_date, max(a.entry_date) over (partition by a.id_shared_by_several_rows) max_entry_date
from audit_trail_a
) where entry_date = max_entry_date