Given that I have the following tables:
- users
- questions
- tags
- question_tag
my pivot table with two fields: question_id & tag_id
and my App\Question model has the following relationships:
class Question extends Model
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function tags()
return $this->hasMany(Tag::class);
I've created the following factories:
$factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker $faker) {
static $password;
return [
'name' => $faker->name,
'email' => $faker->unique()->safeEmail,
'password' => $password ?: $password = bcrypt('123456')
$factory->define(App\Question::class, function (Faker $faker) {
static $user_id;
return [
'user_id' => $user_id,
'subject' => $faker->sentence(15),
'body' => $faker->paragraph(10)
$factory->define(App\Tag::class, function (Faker $faker) {
return [
'name' => str_slug($faker->words(mt_rand(1, 2))),
'description' => $faker->sentence()
I tried to use it all together in my dummy data seeder like this:
class DummyDataSeeder extends Seeder
public function run()
// Seed dummy users
factory(App\User::class, 10)->create()->each(function($user)
// With dummy questions
$user->questions()->saveMany(factory(App\Question::class, 10)->make()->each(function($question)
// With dummy tags
$question->tags()->sync(factory(App\Tag::class, 3)->make());
When I run the seeder, I get the following error:
[ErrorException] mb_strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
Is this not possible to do in model factory? Do I need to use a different approach?
I think you need to use belongsToMany for your pivot Table
In Your Question model
public function tags()
return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class,'question_tag','tag_id','question_id');
same with your Tag Model
public function questions()
return $this->belongsToMany(Question::class,'question_tag','question_id','tag_id');
also, You need to change
$question->tags()->sync(factory(App\Tag::class, 3)->make());
$tags = factory(App\Tag::class, 3)->make();
$tagIds = Tag::select('id')->get()->toArray();
which means you need to pass IDs in Sync argument.
From fzaninotto/Faker readme:
words($nb = 3, $asText = false) // array('porro', 'sed', 'magni')
will return array
Laravel str_slug()
The str_slug function generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string:
$slug = str_slug('Laravel 5 Framework', '-');
expects string
In your database/factories/TagFactory.php you need to fix the line:
'name' => str_slug($faker->words(mt_rand(1, 2))),
'name' => str_slug(implode(' ', $faker->words(mt_rand(1, 2)))),
or maybe
'name' => str_slug($faker->sentence(mt_rand(1, 2))),