I'm creating a method to convert an enum to a friendly string. The friendly names are stored in a resource file and are subject to globalization. So I created two resource file: Enums.resx and Enums.pt-BR.resx whose keys are the name of the enum followed by it's value (i.e DeliveryStatus_WaitingForPayment).
This is the code I'm using to load the resource and get the corresponding friendly name for the enum:
public static string EnumToString<T>(object obj)
string key = String.Empty;
Type type = typeof(T);
key += type.Name + "_" + obj.ToString();
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("EnumResources");
string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
ResourceManager = null;
for(int i = 0; i < resourceNames.Length; i++)
rm = new ResourceManager(resourceNames[i], Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
Stream resStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceNames[i]);
ResourceReader reader = new ResourceReader(resStream);
IDictionaryEnumerator dict = reader.GetEnumerator();
while (dict.MoveNext())
string keyToCompare = dict.Key.ToString();
if (keyToCompare == key)
return dict.Value.ToString();
return obj.ToString();
This method works almost perfectly except that it ignores the CurrentUICulture and always returns the values from the default resource, that is, even when I'm using pt-BR as my CurrentUICulture it will load the value from Enum.resx and not Enum.pt-BR.resx.
What am I doing wrong?
As it turns out I was taking the wrong approach to read the resource file. Not only I didn't need to work my way through a stream it was preventing me from getting the result based on the CurrentUICulture.
The solution is much easier than that of my first attempt:
public static string EnumToString<T>(object obj)
string key = String.Empty;
Type type = typeof(T);
key += type.Name + "_" + obj.ToString();
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("EnumResources");
string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
ResourceManager = null;
for(int i = 0; i < resourceNames.Length; i++)
//The substring is necessary cause the ResourceManager is already expecting the '.resurces'
rm = new ResourceManager(resourceNames[i].Substring(0, resourceNames[i].Length - 10), assembly);
return rm.GetString(key);
return obj.ToString();
I hope this helps anyone trying something similar in the future!