I have a script where i am creating a spawn object using pexpect.
The code looks like this:
self.rshcmd='rsh 192.X.X.X'
self.pipe1 = pexpect.spawn(command=self.rshcmd, logfile=sys.stdout,maxread=512)
Now after I get into this, I expect for prompt which I get is >
And now I become su by sending su
and then giving the password. Now my prompt as expected becomes #
I have a router connected to this spawned PC (192.X.X.X) which is
I telnet into this router by sending telnet
. After I am done from this router, I want to get out of the telnet session.
So I send in exit
and expect for #
as I will get back to the the root of the spawned PC. But what I see is that I am actually getting <
as my prompt.
So somehow it is sending "exit" twice . One takes me out from telnet and other one takes me out from being root. I think the pipe is not flushed out and we get he some old stacked commands being sent.
Is there a way i can flush out all the older commands in the pipe?
From the documentation there is a flush function, but it seems to do nothing:
This does nothing. It is here to support the interface for a
File-like object.
instead of
This will solve your problem. (but when sending password do child.sendline(passwrd) )