ngx-chips tag-input-dropdown does not show autosuggest in iPhone

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-11 05:48:32


I have implemented ngx-chips for an email CC field. It works perfectly in my Android phone using Chrome. But, in iPhone, the autosuggestion does not show up.

<div class="required form-group col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" >
    <label class="control-label" for="email.emailCc">CC:</label>
       <tag-input [(ngModel)]="emailList"  [onlyFromAutocomplete]="true" theme='bootstrap'>
        <tag-input-dropdown [autocompleteObservable]="items" [showDropdownIfEmpty]="true" [dynamicUpdate]="false">

In Iphone

In Android

Please help.


Added following line in global.scss for IOS to show dropdown content,

div.ng2-dropdown-menu.ng2-dropdown-menu---width--4.ng2-dropdown-menu--open {
  display: block !important; // to display the drop down content
  max-height: 40vh !important;  // for scrolling of suggestion list

But still it is not good as it is on android. Scrolling the screen scrolls the list with it.


We were facing the same issue. The problem is not data showing up, rather the placement of the dropdown due to the Zoom of textbox in IPhone. With css hacks we were able to place the drop down in proper position.

