I have a table in Oracle with lots of data. In the structure of:
code_value date_value value
1 20/07/2017 10.5
1 19/07/2017 11.6
2 20/07/2017 1000.22
2 18/07/2017 1700.44
I have another table that defines a test for this data: Whose structure is as follows:
code_value check_rule check_period connection_rule
1 16% w or
1 30% m or
1 50% y or
2 130% w and
2 110% 6m and
*p.s. "check_period": w - for week, m - for month, y - for year.
** p.s. I'm still debating if split this column into two columns: one for the amount of time and one for the time type (ex: 6, m).
I would like to take the test table and run it on the table with the data, on C#.
but I don't know how to start to do it:
How do I take a value from a table and use it to calculate?
for example:
if I will take the first line, with 16% check_rule, and I will do:
var a = check_rule[0];
How to check whether the increase was 16% per week?
In the same way how to use OR on "connection_rule"?
I'm really hope that my question clear enough.
Thank U!
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("Your Connection string");
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(
"SELECT * FROM TABLE1 t inner join TABLE2 t1 on t.code_value = t1.code_value"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Connection = conn;
using (OracleDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OracleDataAdapter())
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmd;
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
//loop through table's rows/columns
var myVal = ParseToDouble(dt.Rows["value"].ToString());
var checkRule = ParseToDouble(dt.Rows["check_rule"].ToString());
if(myVal < checkRule)
public double ParseToDouble(string s)
return decimal.Parse( s.TrimEnd('%') ) / 100M;