Forcing HttpHandler to use SessionState

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-11 05:22:18


I am trying to customize a vended product that routes all requests through a HttpHandler. The handler analyzes the request to figure out what page to route the user to and performs a Server.Transfer(). Unfortunately, I need to access SessionState on a page and the handler doesn't implement IRequiresSessionState and is marked as internal so I can't inherit from it. After a lot of googling the best solution I found was to create an HttpModule that changes the handler that processes the request at different points in the request lifecycle. On PostMapRequestHandler I would change the handler that processes the request to my own that implements IRequiresSessionState and PostAcquireRequestState I would map it back.

This works but does anyone have a better solution?


I figured out a more elegant way to enable session state. You can override the session state behavior of a handler. I created a module that forces session state.

public class SessionEnablerModule : IHttpModule
    public void Dispose()


    public void Init(HttpApplication context)
        context.PostMapRequestHandler += new EventHandler(context_PostMapRequestHandler);

    void context_PostMapRequestHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;

        if ((app.Context.Handler.GetType().ToString().Equals("Handler I want to enable session state for")))
            //enable session state


Another solution could be to route all request through your handler that requires session state and then pass those requests to internal handler by invoking its ProcessRequest method - you can create the instance of internal handler by using say Reflection (or using handler factory if any).

However, using HttpModule to swap handlers is definitely a better solution. Because you can choose to swap the handler selectively by looking at the requested URL. That way, you may not have to load/save session state for all requests (that can be expensive operation for out-of-proc sessions)

