How to make html code in erb tag not escaped

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-11 05:21:26


I have some simple erb code in one of my views in a rails project.

<%= comment.body %>

I'd like the html tags in the comment.body to be preserved as they have formatting information. I've verified that the text is saved in the database properly like


However it turns out on the page to be <b>hello</b> not hello as I expect.

How could this be? I'm not using <%= h to escape the html code.

How do I make it not escaping? I'm using rails 3. Does this matter?


Rails 3 now automatically escapes your output.

To unescape the text and use the actual tags, use raw(...):

<%= raw(comment.body) %>

However, be careful with this, as it will allow any tags, including scripts (potentially malicious). A safer option might be to have users use markdown-formatted text or something similar, rather than allowing raw HTML tags.


You can also use sanitize.

<%= sanitize(comment.body) %>

sanitize will leave html code but escape javascript.

