Avoid R function paste generating backslash for quotes

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-11 04:26:28


I am trying to get two strings that contain quotations ("") combined as a character/string vector or with R function paste so I can plug the result in the argument x of writeFormula in openxlsx package.

An example is like this


and I hope that it should produce the result like this


but it actually produces the result with a backslash in front of the ":

[1] "HYPERLINK(\"file):///\"&path!$C$1&TRIM(MID(CELL(\"filename\",B"

I have searched for many potential solutions like replace paste with cat or add noquote function in front of paste but the output is not a character vector. Functions like toString or as.character could convert these results to strings but the backslash comes back as well.

Really appreciate any helps with this. Thanks.


There are no backslashes in p. The backslashes you see are just how R displays a quote (so that you know that the quote is part of the string and not the ending delimiter) but are not in the string itself.

p <- paste0('HYPERLINK("file)', ':///"&path!$C$1&TRIM(MID(CELL("filename",B')
## [1] "HYPERLINK(\"file):///\"&path!$C$1&TRIM(MID(CELL(\"filename\",B"

# no backslashes are found in p
grepl("\\", p, fixed = TRUE)
## [1] FALSE

noquote(p), cat(p, "\n") or writeLines(p) can be used to display the string without the backslash escapes:

## [1] HYPERLINK("file):///"&path!$C$1&TRIM(MID(CELL("filename",B

cat(p, "\n")
## HYPERLINK("file):///"&path!$C$1&TRIM(MID(CELL("filename",B 

## HYPERLINK("file):///"&path!$C$1&TRIM(MID(CELL("filename",B

One can see the individual characters iseparated by spaces like this and there are no backslashes:

do.call(cat, c(strsplit(p, ""), "\n"))
## H Y P E R L I N K ( " f i l e ) : / / / " & p a t h ! $ C $ 1 & T R I M ( M I D ( C E L L ( " f i l e n a m e " , B 

As another exmaple here p2 contains one double quote and has a single character in it, not 2:

p2 <- '"'
## [1] "\""

## [1] 1

