In my application I am using two data modules (spring-boot-starter-data-jpa and spring-boot-starter-data-redis). I have a method annotated with @CachPut to store in cache. this method is called once but the actual CachePut operation is happening twice. when I debug there are two proxies created which intercepts the same method.
When I use only one module spring-boot-starter-data-redis it works as expected because there is only one proxy created which intercepts the method having @CachPut annotation.
But as per our requirement our application need to use both the data modules (spring-boot-starter-data-jpa for DB related stuff and spring-boot-starter-data-redis for handling some cache related stuff). If I add spring-boot-starter-data-jpa then the cache operation is getting executed twice (due to multiple proxies).
Is there any way to disable proxy creation with @EnableCaching for jpa module but enable only for redis module.
Code Snippets
Configuration class:
public class MyConfiguration {
public RedisCacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory, @NotNull RedisCacheProperties properties) {
CacheProcessor (Interface and Implementation classes)
public interface MyCacheProcessor {
MyData store(final MyData myData);
public class MyCacheProcessorImpl implements MyCacheProcessor {
@CachePut(cacheNames = {"my-data"}, key = "#myData.id")
public MyData store(final MyData myData) {
log.debug("storing in redis"); // This is printed only once (but actual cache put operation is happening twice )
return myData;
yaml configs
timeout: 500
host: devserver
port: 26379
url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;Mode=Oracle;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
platform: h2
redis.cache.enabled: true
ttl: 15m
type: org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer
handles: com.my.sample.model.MyData
I expect the cache operation should be executed only once even If I use both the data modules. Currently the cache operation is executed twice.
Any guidance would be appreciated.