while executing
$expect filename.exp user pwd ip
I got the error
could not execute "ssh -l user ip": no such file or directory
The contents of filename.exp
are this:
#!/opt/sfw/bin/expect -D
set OMC_Usr [lindex $argv 0]
set OMC_Pwd [lindex $argv 1]
set OMC_IP [lindex $argv 2]
set cmd "ssh -l $OMC_Usr $OMC_IP"
spawn $cmd
expect "Password:"
send "$OMC_Pwd\r"
help me to proceed
The problem is that spawn
needs the command and its arguments passed to it as multiple Tcl arguments, just like the standard Tcl exec
command. The fix is to do this directly:
spawn ssh -l $OMC_Usr $OMC_IP
Or, if you prefer (and you've got Tcl 8.5):
set cmd "ssh -l $OMC_Usr $OMC_IP"
spawn {*}$cmd
Or, if you've got 8.4 or before:
eval spawn [lrange $cmd 0 end]
But don't do this:
eval spawn $cmd
because that will break unexpectedly if you have a Tcl metacharacter in the username (or IP address, but that's very unlikely).
Of course, the real fix is to set up an RSA keypair and use ssh-agent
to manage it. Like that, you won't need to pass passwords on any command line; that's important because the command line of a process is public information about the process. Really. You can find it out with something trivial like ps -efww
(or the equivalent for your OS). Environment variables are just as insecure too; there's an option to ps
to show them too.