I'm trying to run a DeployReport action with SqlPackage.exe, but it is returning an empty report which I didn't expect since I've dropped several views and SProcs (it shows by running a Compare action in Visual Studio). According to the docs, DeployReport should
DeployReport: Creates an XML report of the changes that would be made by a publish action.
I'm using VS2012 against a 2008 R2 SQL server for the database project. Here's the command:
SqlPackage.exe /action:DeployReport /TargetDatabaseName:MyDb /TargetServerName:myServer /TargetUser:user /TargetPassword:password /SourceFile:c:\path\to\project\bin\Debug\project.dacpac
Here's the generated report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DeploymentReport xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/dac/DeployReport/2012/02"><Alerts /></DeploymentReport>
Try like this:
SqlPackage.exe /action:DeployReport /TargetConnectionString:"{connection string}" /SourceFile:"{dacpac file}" /OutputPath:"{output file}"