Is it possible to do this?
from scapy.all import *
def action(packet):
print packet[0][1].src + "==>" + packet[0][1].dst
print "Rerouting to localhost"
packet[0][1].dst = ''
print packet[0][1].src + "==>" + packet[0][1].dst
sniff(filter="dst host",prn=action)
Something like this but is there a way to send the packet to localhost and drop the packet being sent to (not using iptables)
There is no way to do this, because Scapy sniffs packets without interfering with the host's IP stack.
You could send another packet based on a sniffed packet, but you cannot "drop the packet" with Scapy.
The only solution I can think of, under Linux, involves iptables + libnfqueue and its Python bindings + Scapy. But obviously, if you just want to reroute a packet, iptables alone is enough, and much better.
Under any other OS, you need anyway to have some kind of firewall software to either pass the packet to a userland program (like libnfqueue under Linux, here you can do your Scapy magic) or tamper the packet itself.
Maybe you could have a look at IPS softwares (suricata?), since tampering packets based on some criteria is what does an IPS.