In this section of my MergeSort program, I am recursively dividing a unsorted array called "arr". To do this I create two subarrays, "leftArr" and "rightArr", then I fill "leftArr" and "rightArr" with the first half of "arr" and the second half of "arr" respectively. Afterwards I will use recursion to divde / sort leftArr and rightArr.
Just wanted clarify: mid = arr.length;
To initialise the rightArr I do the following:
double halfLength = arr.length * 0.5;
if((!(halfLength < 0)) && (!(0 < halfLength))){
// if right array is an even num, length of right array is mid
rightArr = new int [mid];
} else
// else right arrays length is mid + 1
rightArr = new int[mid + 1];
When I do this I get no errors:
if(arr.length % 2 == 0){
// if right array is an even num, length of right array is mid
rightArr = new int [mid];
} else
// else right arrays length is mid + 1
rightArr = new int[mid + 1];
But my project doesn't allow me to use the modulus operator "%" and the "==" operator.
Im not getting any syntax error. All i see in the console window is: " Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError ".
The Complete recursive method looks like this:
public int[] mergeSort(int[] arr) {
if (arr.length < 2){
return arr; // if array has only one element, its already sorted
int mid = arr.length / 2; // find midpoint of array
int leftArr[] = new int [mid]; // create left subarray of length mid
int rightArr[]; // create right subarray
/* if(arr.length % 2 == 0){
// if right array is an even num, length of right array is mid
rightArr = new int [mid];
} else
// else right arrays length is mid + 1
rightArr = new int[mid + 1];
double halfLength = arr.length * 0.5;
if((!(halfLength < 0)) && (!(0 < halfLength))){
// if right array is an even num, length of right array is mid
rightArr = new int [mid];
} else
// else right arrays length is mid + 1
rightArr = new int[mid + 1];
// create a resultArr of size arr, to store the sorted array
int resultArr[] = new int [arr.length];
int i = 0;
// Copy first half of arr[] into leftArr[]
while(i < mid){
leftArr[i] = arr[i];
i = i + 1;
int j = mid;
int indexOfRight = 0;
// Copy second half of arr into rightArr
while(j < arr.length){
rightArr[indexOfRight] = arr[j];
indexOfRight = indexOfRight + 1;
j = j + 1;
// Recursively call mergeSort to sort leftArr and rightArr
leftArr = mergeSort(leftArr);
rightArr = mergeSort(rightArr);
// merge leftArr and rightArr into a resultant Array, and then return the resultArr
return resultArr = merge(leftArr, rightArr);
This is how I merge:
public int[] merge(int[] a1, int[] a2) {
int lengthOfRes = a1.length + a2.length;
int resArr[] = new int [lengthOfRes]; // create resultant array of size a1 + a2
int a1Index = 0;
int a2Index = 0;
int resIndex = 0;
while((a1Index < a1.length) || (a2Index < a2.length))
if((a1Index < a1.length) && (a2Index < a2.length)){
// if a1's element is <= a2's element, then insert a1's elem in resArr
if(a1[a1Index] < a2[a2Index]){
resArr[resIndex] = a1[a1Index];
a1Index = a1Index + 1;
resIndex = resIndex + 1;
} else
// else, insert a2's elem in resArr
resArr[resIndex] = a2[a2Index];
a2Index = a2Index + 1;
resIndex = resIndex + 1;
// Here, if there are any of a1's elements left over, then insert them into resArr
else if(a1Index < a1.length){
resArr[resIndex] = a1[a1Index];
a1Index = a1Index + 1;
resIndex = resIndex + 1;
// Here, if there are any of a2's elements left over, then insert them into resArr
resArr[resIndex] = a2[a2Index];
a2Index = a2Index + 1;
resIndex = resIndex + 1;
return resArr; // return the resulting array
How can I fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!
This algorithm is not sorting anything. You are only breaking the array recursively, but there isn't any comparison.
This site have a good explanation about merge sorting algorithm: http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/22mergesort/ http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/22mergesort/Merge.java.html
It's worth studying it.
The problem is that this code
double halfLength = arr.length * 0.5;
if((!(halfLength < 0)) && (!(0 < halfLength)))
do not determine if the arr.length is even. Try this:
public boolean isEven(int number) {
// return (number - (number / 2) * 2) == 0;
return (!((number - (number / 2) * 2) > 0)) && (!((number - (number / 2) * 2) < 0));
Here is another method without division, mod or equals operations
public boolean isEven(int number) {
number = number < 0 ? number * -1 : number;
if (number < 1) {
return true;
if (number > 0 && number < 2) {
return false;
return isEven(number - 2);