Someone can tell me why this code :
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<animate xlink:href="#poly_t1" attributeName="points" attributeType="XML" from="100,500 150,500 170,480 120,480" to="100,400 150,400 170,380 120,380" begin="0s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" ></animate>
<animate xlink:href="#poly_t2" attributeName="points" attributeType="XML" from="100,500 150,500 150,500 100,500" to="100,500 150,500 150,400 100,400" begin="0s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" ></animate>
<animate xlink:href="#poly_t3" attributeName="points" attributeType="XML" from="150,500 170,480 170,480 150,500" to="150,500 170,480 170,380 150,400" begin="0s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" ></animate>
<g id="histo">
<polygon id="poly_t1" points="100,500 150,500 170,480 120,480" fill="#cc0022" stroke="black"></polygon>
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works on FF,Chrome 18 to 19,Safari,rekonq and more I think but not on Chrome 20 to 24 ?