Is hiding a member in the base class a bad smell in the code?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-11 01:59:50


To me, it sounds more like an exception to hide a member in the base class in order to hack something instead of refactoring a bad design...

Maybe I am wrong. But...

Is it a code smell to hide a member in the base class with 'new' keyword?


It depends on the intent. If the purpose is to clarify the concrete return type, for example, then it might not be unreasonable. The classic example here is DbConnection. It is useful that SqlConnection re-declares CreateCommand etc, by returning SqlCommand rather than DbCommand, since SqlCommand has many platform-specific features that would otherwise be a pain. A key point, here, though is that the DbConnection method still works, and the purpose and meaning of the two methods is the same.

If you are doing this and the methods do something different, or return something different, then there are occasions it can cause confusion. And times it can still make sense ;p If they do the same thing, and only vary by formally stating something about the implementation that is useful to the caller, then fine.


May be this can help.

