I was reading source code of rocket chip, in rocc.scala
file in rocket/src/main/scala/
there is an example AccumulatorExample
for using rocc
. At first part of the code there is a function Queue()
that I couldn't figure out what it's doing?
val n = 4
val regfile = Mem(UInt(width = params(XprLen)), n)
val busy = Vec.fill(n){Reg(init=Bool(false))}
val cmd = Queue(io.cmd)
val funct = cmd.bits.inst.funct
val addr = cmd.bits.inst.rs2(log2Up(n)-1,0)
val doWrite = funct === UInt(0)
val doRead = funct === UInt(1)
val doLoad = funct === UInt(2)
val doAccum = funct === UInt(3)
val memRespTag = io.mem.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(n)-1,0)
Queue is a Module providing a hardware queue. Circle-talk I know but it's the best I can give. Hope this helps! Your code looks like it is setting the source of the queue as the io.cmd.
Queue(enq:DecoupledIO, entries:Int)
enq DecoupledIO source for the queue
entries size of queue
.io.enq Decoupled | IO source (flipped)
.io.deq Decoupled | IO sink
.io.count UInt | count of elements in the queue