i want to add the parent and child nodes from sql server to treeview. i implemented some code. but i gets error "Index was out of range"
below is the code i am using to fill parent and child nodes.
protected void GetParentNodes()
SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter("select id, name from crossarticle_category where parentid=-1", con);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
int index = -1;
foreach (DataRow d in dt.Rows)
SqlDataAdapter adapInner = new SqlDataAdapter("select id, name from crossarticle_category where parentid=" + Convert.ToInt32(d["id"].ToString()) + "", con);
DataTable dtInner = new DataTable();
TreeNode n = new TreeNode();
n.Value = d["id"].ToString();
n.Text = d["name"].ToString();
foreach (DataRow r in dtInner.Rows)
if (dtInner.Rows.Count > 0)
TreeNode inner = new TreeNode();
inner.Value = r["id"].ToString();
inner.Text = r["name"].ToString();
can anyone help me rectify the issue in this code.. this code has been created by myself.
Looks like you are trying to add a child node before you add the parent. Try adding the parent first and then the child nodes; like so:
n.Value = d["id"].ToString();
n.Text = d["name"].ToString();
And then
foreach (DataRow r in dtInner.Rows)
if (dtInner.Rows.Count > 0)
TreeNode inner = new TreeNode();
inner.Value = r["id"].ToString();
inner.Text = r["name"].ToString();
tree1.Nodes[index].ChildNodes.Add(inner); //node at pos index should exist now