Perforce Integration: Not able to submit the changes to streams from classic work space

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-11 00:57:28


I tried integrating the changes from classic depot to stream depot through p4v. Steps below: 1) I moved to classic deport client which has both depot paths (source & destination paths) in client view. 2) ran p4 merge/integrate from my classic depot. 3) Given target location in p4v in p4merge window. 4) File got opened in my client. 5) Did 'p4 submit'. Giving me this error :- //New_stream/main/temp/sample.txt - warning: cannot submit from non-stream client No files to submit. Submit failed -- fix problems above then use 'p4 submit -c 69'.

Cant we submit the changes from classic depot client to stream ? as it is saying that cannot submit from non-stream client. then in this case how can we submit the changes? Can any one please help?


The error is saying:

cannot submit from non-stream client

The solution therefore is to use a stream client.

p4 set P4CLIENT=your-stream-client
p4 switch streamname
p4 integ //classic-depot/path/... //stream-depot/streamname/path/...
p4 resolve
p4 submit

