node expressJwt unless specify id route

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-11 00:47:15


We are using the expressJwt library and I want to be able to exclude the GET for the following route api/items/:id but not include any routes that look like api/items/:id/special-action.

So far, I've only been able to exclude all routes that have the :id.

Below is how we've achieved excluding GET routes that have :id.{ secret: secrets.JWT }).unless({
  path: [
    { url: /\/api\/items\/(.)/, methods: ['GET'] },

I've tried { url: /\/api\/items\/(.)\//, methods: ['GET'] } but it then does not match to any routes and so no routes with :id get excluded.

There's something off in the way I'm using the regex, but I'm having a hard time seeing it. Do I need to change the (.) to not be a match all? I imagine it might be matching the trailing slashes


You may use


The [^\/]* negated character class matches 0 or more chars other than / and the ^ / $ anchors make sure the pattern will be tried against the whole string.

See the regex demo.


  • ^ - start of string anchor
  • \/api\/items\/ - matches a literal /api/items/ substring
  • ([^\/]*) - Capturing group 1: any 0+ chars other than /.
  • $ - end of string anchor. Note that in case you want to make sure the [^\/]* has no / after, add a $ end of string anchor at the end.

