I would like to block all keystrokes that are coming from a specific keyboard (identified by its HID/Name, so its low level stuff I guess) before they reach the focused application. But I'm still using this disabled keyboard (I'm getting the keystrokes). I think I need an application's hook but I don't know how to do that. Maybe you can give me some useful link?
I think I need a low-level hook, because general hook (I mean hook all the existing window & threads) aren't available in the .net framework, concerning the user-space. Moreover, I use RAWINPUT to get typed keystrokes from the keyboard. So if I make a hook to block keystroke from a specific device, could the hook block the RAWINPUT as well?
An application can distinguish the source of the input by getting raw input data. However the application needs to handle WM_INPUT instead of WM_CHAR, WM_MOUSEMOVE, or WM_APPCOMMAND.