I'm reading through test classes that use Assertj to verify results. Occasionally, I've spotted an assertThat without assertions.
Is it possible to identify these classes somewhere in the development cycle? My first guess would be to use a custom Sonar rule. Although I don't see how I should define that this method should be followed by an assertion (a method returning void?).
SonarJava is having the rule S2970 "Assertions should be complete" that can detect assertThat
without assertions for AssertJ, Fest and Truth.
See: https://rules.sonarsource.com/java/RSPEC-2970
As said in the AssertJ FAQ:
Static code analysis tools like SpotBugs/FindBugs/ErrorProne can now detect such problems thanks to the CheckReturnValue annotation introduced in 2.5+ / 3.5+ and improved in 2.7+ / 3.7+.
And indeed, SpotBugs finds this issue easily as I just tested with AssertJ 3.9.0, Java 8 and SpotBugs 3.1.1:
Therefore, if you do not see this warning in your static analysis tool, perhaps you have disabled the check for using return values from methods annotated with @CheckReturnValue