The following code just generates a simple triple of random numbers:
program testrand
integer, parameter :: nz = 160, nf = 160, nlt = 90
real :: tmpidx(3)
integer :: idxarr(3), idx1, idx2, idx3, seed_size, ticks
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
call random_seed(size=seed_size)
call system_clock(count=ticks)
seed = ticks+37*(/(i-1, i=1,seed_size)/)
call random_seed(put=seed)
call random_number(tmpidx)
idxarr = tmpidx * (/nz, nf, nlt/)
idx1 = max(1,idxarr(1))
idx2 = max(1,idxarr(2))
idx3 = max(1,idxarr(3))
print *,idx1, idx2, idx3
end program
I compile this with gfortran and run a few times and I get:
> gfortran testrand.f90
> ./a.out
74 98 86
> ./a.out
113 3 10
> ./a.out
44 104 27
Looks pretty random. Now I compile with PGI Fortran and run a few times:
> pgf90 testrand.f90
> ./a.out
1 1 1
> ./a.out
1 1 1
> ./a.out
1 1 1
Of course, there's no way to be completely sure, but I suspect this is not random. :) Anyone know what is going on here? Anyone know the right way to get random numbers with PGI Fortran?
Somehow, PGI does not implement system_clock
as in GNU compilers. I do not know why, I found it recently by doing similar stuff like you.
To see what I am talking about, just print ticks
after calling system_clock
. Chances are that you get 0
all the time with PGI and varying numbers with GNU compilers. To solve your problem, you can adapt the code bellow. It is a slightly modified version of a code that you can get at GNU fortran web site
program testrand
use iso_fortran_env, only: int64
integer, parameter :: nz = 160, nf = 160, nlt = 90
real :: tmpidx(3)
integer :: idxarr(3), idx1, idx2, idx3, seed_size, ticks
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
call random_seed(size=seed_size)
! call system_clock(count=ticks)
! seed = ticks+37*(/(i-1, i=1,seed_size)/)
! call random_seed(put=seed)
! deallocate(seed)
call init_random_seed()
call random_number(tmpidx)
idxarr = tmpidx * (/nz, nf, nlt/)
idx1 = max(1,idxarr(1))
idx2 = max(1,idxarr(2))
idx3 = max(1,idxarr(3))
print *,idx1, idx2, idx3
subroutine init_random_seed()
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
integer :: i, n, istat, dt(8), pid
integer(int64) :: t
integer, parameter :: un=703
call random_seed(size = n)
! First try if the OS provides a random number generator
open(unit=un, file="/dev/urandom", access="stream", &
form="unformatted", action="read", status="old", iostat=istat)
if (istat == 0) then
read(un) seed
! The PID is
! useful in case one launches multiple instances of the same
! program in parallel.
call system_clock(t)
if (t == 0) then
call date_and_time(values=dt)
t = (dt(1) - 1970) * 365_int64 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 &
+ dt(2) * 31_int64 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 &
+ dt(3) * 24_int64 * 60 * 60 * 1000 &
+ dt(5) * 60 * 60 * 1000 &
+ dt(6) * 60 * 1000 + dt(7) * 1000 &
+ dt(8)
end if
pid = getpid()
t = ieor( t, int(pid, kind(t)) )
do i = 1, n
seed(i) = lcg(t)
end do
end if
call random_seed(put=seed)
!print*, "optimal seed = ", seed
end subroutine init_random_seed
function lcg(s)
integer :: lcg
integer(int64), intent(in out) :: s
if (s == 0) then
s = 104729
s = mod(s, 4294967296_int64)
end if
s = mod(s * 279470273_int64, 4294967291_int64)
lcg = int(mod(s, int(huge(0), 8)), kind(0))
end function lcg
!this option is especially used for pgf90 to provide a getpid() function
!> @brief Returns the process ID of the current process
!! @todo write the actual code, for now returns a fixed value
function getpid()result(pid)
integer pid
pid = 53 !just a prime number, no special meaning
end function getpid
end program