How can I move to the next row in Excel using C#. I'm using Office PIA v 14. When I used Range.Next property, it takes me to the cell immediately right to the range. How can I move to the next row? ie. the cell immediately below.
Range.Next returns a Range object that represents the next cell.
I'm not really the greatest expert alive but according to the documentation you should use Offset instead. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.excel.range.offset
Here is some pseudo code
var excelApp = this.Application;
int skipRows = 1;
int skipCells = 0;
var nextRange = excelApp.ActiveCell.Offset[skipRows, skipCells].Select();
Try the following code:
Range oRng = ws.get_Range(Column + (row +1), Type.Missing);
where ws
is the worksheet object.