How to debug browser tests with the new test package

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-10 20:18:05


browser tests need to be run from command line like pub run test -pdartium. Is there a way to debug such tests.


pub run test -pdartium --pause-after-load

starts the test only after I click a "play" button on the test page. This gives me time to open up Dev Tools in Dartium and set breakpoints. I can also open up the Observatory and do stuff there.


The Dart team is working hard to make tests with the new test package debuggable. Until the related issues are fixed you can use this workaround:

To run browser tests with the new test package, for example from WebStrom, including debugging, just replace the <x-test-dart ...> tag with a normal Dart script tag pointing to your test file and run it like any Dart browser application from WebStorm.

This also works for Polymer tests. Ensure you run await initPolymer(); or the appropriate initialization necessary for the used Polymer version.

I usually create a copy of the test entry page file where I can keep the replaced script tag.

