I am using Windows 7 and tflearn (version 0.2.2, tensorflow version 0.12.1, python 3.5)and I have scipy manually installed from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ When I am running a tflearn code there is always the error message “scipy not supported”.
The code is running fine so far, if I don’t need scipy depending things. When I use tflearn.data_preprocessing.ImageAugementation that needs scipy, it gives me a NameError: name ‘scipy’not defined. I checked the script and it tries to import scipy.ndimage. I have no idea, what is causing this error, scipy is installed, but tflearn can’t find it somehow…来源:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42318495/scipy-installed-but-tflearn-says-scipy-not-supported-win7