Add item above “Project” in eclipse project explorer contextmenu

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-10 18:44:43


I am working on an eclipse based customized IDE for our development environment.
In my new perspective I have included a "Project Explorer" and in that I am able to add commands in the context menu, but when I include a new Wizard (A project Wizard) in the "new" type it is shown beneath the "Project" wizard

and I'd want it to be above it.

The plugin.xml for this snippet is attached

<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent">

It is being shown when I access New from Toolbar or MenuBar (after I added it as a shortcut in layout, in an implementation of IPerspectiveFactory

but for some reason it is not showing up under "Project Explorer". But its working fine under "Navigator View"


Use the org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions extension point to define a newWizardShortcut entry for your new project wizard.

Something like:


You might have to do a 'reset perspective' to get the change picked up.

You can also set up these shortcuts in the 'Window > Customize Perspective' dialog in the 'Shortcuts' tab.


As has been mentioned in

there is no menugroupid to accomodate "My Project Wizard" in the "Project..." Group :(.

 * Adds a submenu to the given menu with the name "" see
 * {@link ICommonMenuConstants#GROUP_NEW}). The submenu contains the following structure:
 * <ul>
 * <li>a new generic project wizard shortcut action, </li>
 * <li>a separator, </li>
 * <li>a set of context senstive wizard shortcuts (as defined by
 * <b>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.commonWizard</b>), </li>
 * <li>another separator, </li>
 * <li>a generic examples wizard shortcut action, and finally </li>
 * <li>a generic "Other" new wizard shortcut action</li>
 * </ul>

A "New" submenu for "Project Explorer" will allways be of this format so have to make my own implementation to add the project in the project group. Dear Greg thank you for your time. So iam off to creating an implementation of NewActionProvider as in


The desired behaviour can be obtained when using the standard ResourceNavigator ( org.eclipse.ui.views.ResourceNavigator) view instead of the ProjectExplorer.

In there the New-wizards will be automatically split up in project- and non-project wizards wheras former are automatically added in the same group as the Project... wizard (They are actually added above it no matter what menuGroupId is set).

So if you want to properly achieve the behaviour stated in the question you have to either use the Navigator view or extend it.

(I know that the question was asked specifically about the ProjectExplorer but nevertheless I think my answer might come to into use for someone with a similar problem)

