I couldn't find a simple implementation of Merge Sort
in Python for Linked Lists
anywhere. Here's what I tried:
Definition for singly-linked list:
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.next = None
Merge Sort Implementation:
def mergeSortLinkedList(A):
# Base case length of 0 or 1:
if A == None or A.next == None:
return A
leftHalf, rightHalf = splitTheList(A)
# The above two lines should be modified to the following. Thanks to the answers.
# leftHalf = mergeSortLinkedList(leftHalf)
# rightHalf = mergeSortLinkedList(rightHalf)
return mergeTheLists(leftHalf, rightHalf)
def splitTheList(sourceList):
if sourceList == None or sourceList.next == None:
leftHalf = sourceList
rightHalf = None
return leftHalf, rightHalf
midPointer = sourceList
frontRunner = sourceList.next
# totalLength += 1 - This is unnecessary
while frontRunner != None:
frontRunner = frontRunner.next
if frontRunner != None:
frontRunner = frontRunner.next
midPointer = midPointer.next
leftHalf = sourceList
rightHalf = midPointer.next
midPointer.next = None
return leftHalf, rightHalf
def mergeTheLists(leftHalf, rightHalf):
fake_head = ListNode(None)
curr = fake_head
while leftHalf and rightHalf:
if leftHalf.val < rightHalf.val:
curr.next = leftHalf
leftHalf = leftHalf.next
curr.next = rightHalf
rightHalf = rightHalf.next
curr = curr.next
if leftHalf == None:
curr.next = rightHalf
elif rightHalf == None:
curr.next = leftHalf
return fake_head.next
# Node A:
nodeA1 = ListNode(2)
nodeA2 = ListNode(1)
nodeA1.next = nodeA2
nodeA3 = ListNode(9)
nodeA2.next = nodeA3
nodeA4 = ListNode(3)
nodeA3.next = nodeA4
# Node C:
nodeC1 = ListNode(5)
nodeA4.next = nodeC1
nodeC2 = ListNode(6)
nodeC1.next = nodeC2
nodeC3 = ListNode(4)
nodeC2.next = nodeC3
nodeC4 = ListNode(5)
nodeC3.next = nodeC4
Expected output when mergeSortLinkedList(nodeA1)
is called:
1 2 3 4 5 5 6 9
I get the following instead:
2 5 6 9
I am unable to figure out where the miss is. Please help.
You don't use the return values from the recursive call. The code should be:
def mergeSortLinkedList(A):
if A is None or A.next is None:
return A
leftHalf, rightHalf = splitTheList(A)
left = mergeSortLinkedList(leftHalf)
right = mergeSortLinkedList(rightHalf)
return mergeTheLists(left, right)
After the call of the function, the argument in some cases doesn't point to the head of the sorted list.
The next bug in the code is usage of undefined variable totalLength.
Try changing the lines in the mergeSort function to:
leftHalf = mergeSortLinkedList(leftHalf)
rightHalf = mergeSortLinkedList(rightHalf)