Has any one used stash builder plugin.Its documentation says that it adds some environment variables in to the build environment but if i echo them,they all are empty
echo "${sourceBranch}"
echo "${targetBranch}"
echo "${sourceRepositoryOwner}"
echo "${sourceRepositoryName}"
echo "${pullRequestId}"
echo "${destinationRepositoryOwner}"
echo "${destinationReposotryName}"
echo "${pullRequestTitle}"
echo "${sourceCommitHash}"
This plugin is doing nothing for me.Here is my configuration I am selecting git as SCM [poll scm is not selected]
Branch Specifier:-origin/pr/${pullRequestId}/from
Then i mark the checkbox "Stash Pull Requests Builder" and below is the value for diff fields
Cron:H/2 * * * *
Stash Host:stash-eng.abc.com
Stash Credentials:..........
Repository Name:my_tools_demo
Still its doing nothing.Nor i ma seeing any thing related to plugin in logs.
I'm using this plugin in my company and it's working well.
In my Stash environment, all the project names are in uppercase.
If you have the same kind of project name, can you try to use them in uppercase? (in the Stash Pull Requests Builder section)
If you have one open pull request, can you try to add this comment to trigger a new Jenkins build?
test this please
This is a magic comment to trigger a new PR build from Stash.
I have got the same issue with Jenkins 2.7
According to below issue tracking in Github
it is fixed in one of the branch
And will be merged into master soon..