I'm exploring DSC and wondering what's the best way to copy DSC resources to target host ?
When I try to push my configuration to the target host, It complain of missing DSC resource.
The PowerShell DSC resource xWebAdministration does not exist at the PowerShell module path nor is it registered as a WMI DSC resource.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (root/Microsoft/...gurationManager:String) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DscResourceNotFound
+ PSComputerName : server1.appman.net
The easiest way to ensure resources are available is to setup a file share based repository for pulling down modules. This blog should help you out http://nanalakshmanan.com/blog/Push-Config-Pull-Module/
I tried to install PS modules using DSC. It requires 3 separate configurations:
Configuration InitialConfiguration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
Node MyServer
Script InstallModule
SetScript = { Install-Module PackageManagement -MinimumVersion 1.1.7 -Force }
TestScript = { $version = (Get-Module PackageManagement -ListAvailable).Version; $version.Major -ge 1 -and $version.Minor -ge 1 }
GetScript = { Get-Module PackageManagement -ListAvailable }
Configuration ModulesConfiguration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PackageManagement' -ModuleVersion
Node MyServer
PackageManagement xWebAdministration
Name = 'xWebAdministration'
Configuration WebServerConfiguration
Import-DscResource –ModuleName 'xWebAdministration'
Node MyServer
xWebAppPool SampleAppPool
Name = 'SampleAppPool'
However, Microsoft uses simple script to install modules using WinRM in their example.
Create DSC configuration that will install modules, and modules can be taken from network share or more maybe may check out them from some repository like git but of course if they will have access to it. Push or pull whats better fit You.
The error comes when module is not found in PSModule paths.
Use the following line to install xWebAdministration powershell module from PSGallery repository Install-Module -Name xWebAdministration
Then click "Yes to All" when a pop up comes, the module gets installed
To crosscheck if the module got installed, type
in powershell console and find xWebAdministration folder in PS Module paths
# Commands for pushing DSC Resource Modules to Target Nodes.
# Resources you want to push must be available on this Authoring Machine.
#Required DSC resource modules
$moduleNames = "XWebAdministration", "xSMBShare", "cNtfsAccessControl", "OctopusDSC", "PSDSCResources", "DSCR_Font"
#ServerList to push files to
$Servers = "C:\temp\serverList.txt"
$serverList = (get-content $Servers |
Where { $_ -notlike ";*" } | #lines that start with ';' will be considered comments
ForEach { $_ } |
select -Unique `
foreach ($server in $serverList)
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $server
$getDSCResources = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
foreach ($module in $moduleNames)
if ($getDSCResources.moduleName -notcontains $module){
#3. Copy module to remote node.
$Module_params = @{
Path = (Get-Module $module -ListAvailable).ModuleBase
Destination = "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$module"
ToSession = $Session
Force = $true
Recurse = $true
Verbose = $true
Copy-Item @Module_params
Remove-PSSession -Id $Session.Id