I'd like to make some operations according to a given collection type (using reflexion), regardless of the generic type.
Here is my code:
void MyFct(Type a_type)
// Check if it's type of List<>
if (a_type.Name == "List`1")
// Do stuff
// Check if it's type of Dictionary<,>
else if (a_type.Name == "Dictionary`2")
// Do stuff
It works for now, but it gets obvious to me that it's not the most safe solution.
void MyFct(Type a_type)
// Check if it's type of List<>
if (a_type == typeof(List<>))
// Do stuff
// Check if it's type of Dictionary<,>
else if (a_type == typeof(Dictionary<,>))
// Do stuff
I tried that too, it actualy compiles but doesn't work... I also tried to test all interfaces of the given collection type, but it implies an exclusivity for interfaces in collections...
I hope I made myself clear, my english lack of training :)
If you want to see if something implements a specific generic type, then you would need to do this:
if(a_type.IsGenericType && a_type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>))
The GetGenericTypeDefinition()
method will return the unbounded generic type for you test against.