I am having trouble embedding a slack feed onto a html site. When I try to use an iframe, it just shows up as a white box. I have tried using jquery
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"> .
<div id="testLoad"></div>
<iframe src="http://www.SlackURLHere"></iframe>
I have tried with "http" and "https" on both iframe and jquery with no luck. :( So if you have any other methods please do share!
Just tried this and it looks like the reason it won't display is because of the X-Frame-Options header which is set by slack.com to be SAMEORIGIN. In other words, you're only allowed to embed that page when on slack.com, not anywhere else.
You forgot to close the quotes on your iframe source
. Otherwise it will work
Also you are closing the div too early. Close it after the iframe and not before.
See this fiddle