I got a little problem I want to use nltk corpus in hdfs,But failed.For example I want to load nltk.stopwords in my python code.
I use this http://eigenjoy.com/2009/11/18/how-to-use-cascading-with-hadoop-streaming/
I do all that say,but I don't know how to transform it in my work. My nltk file name is nltk-2.0.1.rc1 my pyam file name is PyYAML.3.0.1 so my commad is:
zip -r nltkandyaml.zip nltk-2.0.1.rc1 PyYAML.3.0.1
then it said "mv ntlkandyaml.zip /path/to/where/your/mapper/will/be/nltkandyaml.mod"
My mapper.py save in /home/mapreduce/mapper.py so my command is:
mv ntlkandyaml.zip /home/mapreduce/nltkandyaml.mod
is that right?
then i zip my corpus stopwords:
zip -r /nltk_data/corpora/stopwords-flat.zip *
In my code I use:
importer = zipimport.zipimporter('nltkandyaml.mod')
yaml = importer.load_module('PyYAML-3.09')
nltk = importer.load_module('nltk-')
from nltk.corpus.reader import stopwords
from nltk.corpus.reader import StopWordsCorpusReader
stopwords = StopWordsCorpusReader(nltk.data.find('lib/stopwords-flat.zip'))
finally I use command:
bin/hadoop jar /home/../streaming/hadoop-0.21.0-streaming.jar -input
/user/root/input/voa.txt -output /user/root/output -mapper /home/../mapper.py -reducer
/home/../reducer.py -file /home/../nltkandyaml.mod -file /home/../stopwords-flat.zip
please tell me where I'm wrong
thank you all
I'm not entirely clear what your problem / error is, but if you want the contents of stopwords-flat.zip to be available in the current working directory at runtime use the -archives
flag rather than -files
(which could be your problem as you're using -file
Hadoop will unpack the named archive file (zip), and the contents will be available as if they were in the local directory of your running mapper:
bin/hadoop jar /home/../streaming/hadoop-0.21.0-streaming.jar \
-input /user/root/input/voa.txt
-output /user/root/output \
-mapper /home/../mapper.py \
-reducer /home/../reducer.py \
-files /home/../nltkandyaml.mod \
-archives /home/../stopwords-flat.zip
zip -r [your-nltk-package-name/nltk] nltk.zip
zip -r [your-yaml-package-name/lib/yaml] yaml.zip
then in your script, add:
importer = zipimport.zipimporter('nltk.zip')
yaml = importer2.load_module('yaml')
nltk = importer.load_module('nltk')
in your command, add:
-file [path-to-your-zip-file]