I am trying to read ECG real-time data from a movesense sensor by using another generic BT-LE module.
GATT characteristics can be used for Heart Rate (read or notify) or other predefined services : we simply send a raw command to an endpoint, for example a 0x0100 (START_NOTIFY) on the corresponding UUID for a heart rate notification streaming.
The problem is that with a micro controller and a BT LE module we can not use any of the C, Java, React... libraries since all of the underlying code is not open source ( the movesense device-lib and community-lib do define how to use and program the services, but we can not discover what to send on one of the 2 other services that are defined, the UART service or the Unknown Service, which are probably used by the movesense library to send all of the URL requests).
As a footnote, we access our generic BT-LE module with AT UART commands to communicate to the movesense platform.
Thanks for any help or guidance, FS
Have you looked https://bitbucket.org/suunto/movesense-device-lib/src/master/samples/ble_std_services/CustomBleController.cpp
void CustomBleController::OnUartData(uint8_t * p_data, uint16_t length)
for receiving and
send_ble_nus_data(buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
to send using NUS (Nordic UART service).