I am working on new Alexa.com Api and testing it out and I having a problem setting credentials in it. I have an access key and secret key but not Session Token and Expiration.Idk where to get them. Also see this
$awsCredentials = $result->get('Credentials');
and I could not find its root to set credentials.
I have an access key and secret key for my Alexa API calls. And I have setup up AWS SDK for PHP 3
protected function SetCredentials($awsCredentials) {
$this->accessKeyId = $awsCredentials["AccessKeyId"];
$this->secretAccessKey = $awsCredentials["SecretKey"];
$this->sessionToken = $awsCredentials["SessionToken"];
$this->expiration = $awsCredentials["Expiration"];
How do I set credentials?
Here is the urlinfo.php code:
You have a problem in your php version or your account is not verified.