I want use this schema on dotnet cli but I can't found dotnet test documentation nothing.my project file structure is this way this.
At the moment tests It looking at all the .dll files under the .sln file. but I want just looking tests.dll files
dotnet test --no-build "**\*test*.dll" //?? All files in my project
There isn't such a pattern to filter that for dotnet test, we can only filter tests by DisplayName or FullyQualifiedName for xUnit, refer to this link for dertails : https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest-docs/blob/master/docs/filter.md
But it can only filter the tests, it cannot exclude other non-test project .dlls.
dotnet test --filter "FullyQualifiedName=YourNamespace.TestClass1.Test1"
Howerever you can try writing PowerShell script to filter the test projects and run the command in the loop. Reference: Dotnet CLI – running tests from multiple assemblies
Get-ChildItem | ? { $_.Name.Contains("Test") } | ForEach-Object { Push-Location; Set-Location $_.Name; dotnet test --no-build; Pop-Location}
Also this thread for your reference : https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/705
Another workaround is writing a cmd/bat script to run the test projects only:
cd C:\TestProjectPath\A.Tests
dotnet test --no-build
cd C:\TestProjectPath\B.Tests
dotnet test --no-build
cd C:\TestProjectPath\C.Tests
dotnet test --no-build
You achieve the same without any script by using dotnet vstest
with some regular expression with wildcards.
For example:
dotnet build --configuration Release
dotnet vstest ./**/*Tests/bin/Release/**/*Tests.dll
the first command will generate the Release folder with the dll. The second will run all the test dll that finds matching the pattern.
This works well with xUnit frameworks. Not sure about other frameworks.
In the Path to project(s) enter **/*Test.csproj so it will only run test Test project.