Our team is using TeamCity for continuous integration and Git-TFS (TFS2015 RC) for versioning.
I want to check if a specific Commit has been built (successfully) by TeamCity and thus can be reintegrated.
It is possible to query TeamCity builds by using their REST API, e.g.:
GET http://teamcity:8000/guestAuth/app/rest/builds/18
with the result containing some xml that shows the git commit SHA:
<revisions count="1">
<revision version="96b1db05b64ecc895da070137e93cde3d2cadfa1">
<vcs-root-instance [...]/>
The fact, that this information is in theory available, makes me hope that it is possible to query TeamCity builds by this particular information, like:
GET http://teamcity:8000/guestAuth/app/rest/builds/revision:96b1db05b64ecc895da[...]
but this yields a #400 BAD REQUEST response. I was not able to find out in the TeamCity 9 Documentation, whether this is possible or not. I would rather not iterate all builds to check if they contain this specific commit.
NOTE: This feature has now been implemented by JetBrains and is available in TeamCity 9.1 EAP4 now.
I don't believe this can be done without iteration, which is a little annoying
You can view changes by hash
and you can find changes by build locator
but you can't go the other way, otherwise this could be done simply.
The buildLocator doesn't allow you to query using a revision dimension so I can't see any way around this
The following script may be of use to you if you haven't already written it yourself - save this to a file called get-build-status-by-git-commit.ps1
so it works with the sample at the end
# -----------------------------------------------
# Get Build Status By Git Commit
# -----------------------------------------------
# Ver Who When What
# 1.0 DevOpsGuys 01-07-15 Initial Version
# Script Input Parameters
param (
[string] $TeamCityServer = $(throw "-TeamCityServer is mandatory, please provide a value."),
[string] $ApiUsername = $(throw "-ApiUsername is mandatory, please provide a value."),
[string] $ApiPassword = $(throw "-ApiPassword is mandatory, please provide a value."),
[string] $GitSha = $(throw "-GitSha is mandatory, please provide a value.")
function Main()
$CurrentScriptVersion = "1.0"
$ApiCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ApiUsername, (ConvertTo-SecureString $ApiPassword -AsPlainText -Force))
Write-Host "================== Get Build Status By Git Commit - Version"$CurrentScriptVersion": START =================="
# Log input variables passed in
# Set initial query url
$queryBuilds = "/httpAuth/app/rest/builds?fields=nextHref,build(id,status,revisions)"
$buildsToCheck = Api-Get "$TeamCityServer$queryBuilds"
$queryBuilds = $buildsToCheck.builds.nextHref;
foreach($build in $buildsToCheck.builds.build)
if ($build.revisions.revision.version -eq $GitSha) {
Write-Host "STATUS: "$build.status
Exit 0
Write-Host "================== Get Build Status By Git Commit - Version"$CurrentScriptVersion": END =================="
function Log-Variables
Write-Host "TeamCityServer: " $TeamCityServer
Write-Host "GitSha: " $GitSha
Write-Host "Computername:" (gc env:computername)
function Api-Get($Url)
Write-Host $Url
return Invoke-RestMethod -Credential $ApiCredentials -Uri $Url -Method Get -TimeoutSec 20;
You can use this in the following way
.\get-build-status-by-git-commit.ps1 "http://teamcity:8000/" username password 96b1db05b64ecc895da070137e93cde3d2cadfa1
This is using httpAuth, but you could easily tailor the script to be using guest. I've used httpAuth in case it's of use to anyone else.
Hope this helps
I was looking for the same thing and stumbled upon this question. I don't know if you still need this but however I found the API in TeamCity v10. But you have to know your BuildTypeID for this
You can find your build type id from TeamCity UI by going to your specific build and then
Edit configuration settings >> General Settings
And then the value in the Build configuration ID field.
Hope this helps.
The related feature request in TeamCity issue tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-40540. Vote for it. The current workaround is to request builds with their revisions included into the response and then find the necessary builds on the client side. The request can look like:
Recent versions of teamcity allow the 'version' locator such that the following will return builds where the version SHA matches the query.