I am following the procedure mentioned in http://quickblox.com/developers/Users so first I get the token by posting curl with this params:
[application_id] => 24719
[auth_key] => PY8EEvrxtPg3sGs
[timestamp] => 1435915101
[nonce] => 1435915100
[signature] => f45bdb40e8cfcf7235502b38586479f83925c6ad
to https://api.quickblox.com/session.json and getting response :
stdClass Object
[session] => stdClass Object
[_id] => 55965365535c12a58c031d01
[application_id] => 24719
[created_at] => 2015-07-03T09:18:29Z
[device_id] => 0
[nonce] => 1435915100
[token] => b913e37d88a0cab296eec6f44643e282d107dd58
[ts] => 1435915101
[updated_at] => 2015-07-03T09:18:29Z
[user_id] => 0
[id] => 1004
However, when I try to create a new user account with below params:
[login] => prasun1010
[full_name] => prasun1010
[custom_data] => I am a boy
[password] => ssd_p@p_23_1_
[token] => b913e37d88a0cab296eec6f44643e282d107dd58
[Version] => 0.1.0
[website] => http://localhost/xxx/trunk/php/
to : http://api.quickblox.com/users.json
it is responsing :
stdClass Object
[code] =>
[message] => No data was provided
Can someone please let me know what wrong I am doing ? Or what should I do to get it done?
As mentioned in documentation, your sign up params should be wrapped into 'user' entity. So your new user params should look like:
[user] => Array
[login] => prasun1010
[full_name] => prasun1010
[custom_data] => I am a boy
[password] => ssd_p@p_23_1_
[token] => b913e37d88a0cab296eec6f44643e282d107dd58
[Version] => 0.1.0
[website] => http://localhost/xxx/trunk/php/