I want to copy the behaviour of the Livechat-Popup - Window to send messages from mobile. How would I do that?
Get a Twilio # & Configure
First you need a Twilio subscription. Then purchase a phone number from within your Twilio account. This number will be used to receive SMS messages from other phone and send to LiveChat within Rocket.Chat. Within Twilio, go to your new phone number's settings... Under 'A Message Comes In' enter this:
That will forward SMS incoming messages to LiveChat.
Tell Rocket.Chat to Listen for SMS's from your Twilio Account
Then, in RocketChat, go to Administration -> SMS, and enter your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token which can be found in your Twilio dashboard and be sure to enable SMS on this page...
Be sure LiveChat is enabled and that you are a LiveChat Agent.
Now, text messages from other phones will appear in LiveChat just like messages from the LiveChat embeded pop-up window. You can respond to those messages within RocketChat as well.