how to hide margins in headless chrome generated pdf?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-10 10:04:49


I'm using headless chrome to generate a long pdf document with Python/Django.

Is there a way to remove header with date and footer with url and pages count from pages?

Tried to use

    margin: 0;
    size: auto;

but with this css there are no margins, which i need.

tried to wrap page content with div.wrapper and style

    margin: 15mm 10mm 15mm 15mm;

but with this solution there are top and bottom margins only on first and last pages. Pages between are without vertical margins and stick to top and bottom.

read here: there is no any special flag to launch chrome with headers and footers disabled

is there any solution to hide page header and footer, but save margins?


An alternate approach that I ended up using, is to use puppeteer. My script is as follows:

const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto("file:///home/<user>/page.html");
  await page.pdf({
    path: "page.pdf",
    format: "A4",
    printBackground: true,
    displayHeaderFooter: false,
    margin: {
      left: "0.35cm"

  await browser.close();


This works for me:

@media print {
  @page { margin: 0; }
  body { margin: 1.6cm; }


This works for me very good.

@page {
    margin: 0!important;
    margin-top: 0cm!important;
    margin-bottom: 0cm!important;
    margin-left: 0cm!important;
    margin-right: 0cm!important;

