UDP Packet not captured by Wireshark, but is captured by UDP application

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-10 07:38:49


I have an application that is designed and working that is receiving UDP broadcasts on a port. The application has been working just fine, but I have wanted to compare the packets received by the application with a Wireshark capture. I'm trying to make sure that I'm capturing as many of the packets as possible with minimal data loss.

I initially thought that I'd run Wireshark and compare the raw packets captured against the packets shown in our application. However, when I run Wireshark, the packets are never captured at the IP layer for that port. I see other traffic from the server, but I never see Wireshare packets for this specific port.

The application continues to capture the data just fine. When I look at the IP src/dest fields, the src looks correct,, however the destination IP address is I would have expected something like instead for the destination address.

I don't have access to the application that is broadcasting the data, but I did write a quick sample UDP broadcaster and receiver to make sure I my expectations were correct. the sample application worked as expected.

Any ideas on why a UDP broadcast would be received by an application, but not show up in a Wireshark capture? Does Wireshark ignore an address like and not capture it all?


Wireshark only captures Ethernet frames that are going through an interface you are listening on. Thus, packets destined on loopback addresses are not captured. I would check your machine's routing tables to see where packets are actually going.

