I want to get a list of a users attributes by querying on their ID from an LDAP repository structured like below
dn: uid=E000001 ,ou=People,o=Company,o=Internal
statusid: active
memberof: cn=foo_group, cn=Foos, ou=Groups, o=Company,o=Internal
memberof: cn=bar_group, cn=Foos, ou=Groups, o=Company,o=Internal
dn: uid=E000002 ,ou=People,o=Company,o=Internal
statusid: active
memberof: cn=foo_group, cn=Foos, ou=Groups, o=Company,o=Internal
memberof: cn=bar_group, cn=Foos, ou=Groups, o=Company,o=Internal
So for example I query on the user id "E00001". I want to return this
["cn=foo_group, cn=Foos, ou=Groups, o=Company,o=Internal", "cn=bar_group, cn=Foos, ou=Groups, o=Company,o=Internal"
Here's multiple ways to retrieve user groups:
In case that you have a simple LDAP server with no nested groups, memberOf is usually enough:
String userCN = "user1"; //Get the attribute of user's "memberOf" ArrayList<?> membersOf = ldapTemplate.search( query().where("sAMAccountName").is(userCN), (AttributesMapper<ArrayList<?>>) attrs -> Collections.list(attrs.get("memberOf").getAll()) ).get(0);
But in case you have nested groups, things become more complicated:
/* * Get user distinguised name, example: "user" -> "CN=User Name,OU=Groups,OU=Domain Users,DC=company,DC=something,DC=org" * This will be used for our query later */ String distinguishedName = ldapTemplate.search( query().where("sAMAccountName").is(userCN), (AttributesMapper<String>) attrs -> attrs.get("distinguishedName").get().toString() ).get(0); //.get(0): we assume that search will return a result /* * This one recursively search for all (nested) group that this user belongs to * "member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:" is a magic attribute, Reference: * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa746475(v=vs.85).aspx * However, this filter is usually slow in case your ad directory is large. */ List<String> allGroups = ldapTemplate.search( query().searchScope(SearchScope.SUBTREE) .where("member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:").is(distinguishedName), (AttributesMapper<String>) attrs -> attrs.get("cn").get().toString() );
For googlers: note that this has dependency of org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-ldap
, and in case someone needs the Bean initialization code:
public class Ldap {
public LdapContextSource contextSource() {
return new LdapContextSource();
public LdapTemplate ldapTemplate(ContextSource contextSource) {
return new LdapTemplate(contextSource);
with the following config template in application.yml:
url: ldap://your-ldap.server
base: dc=Company,dc=Domain,dc=Controller
userDn: username
password: hunter2
#you'll want connection polling set to true so ldapTemplate reuse the connection when searching recursively
pooled: true
For when magic number's performance is bad: The last one using magic number is actually quite slow if your ldap directory is large, and searching ldap recursively is faster in this case. Here's a helper class to exhaustively search all groups that a user belongs to:
public class LdapSearchRecursive {
private final LdapTemplate ldapTemplate;
private Set<String> groups;
public LdapSearchRecursive(LdapTemplate ldapTemplate) {
this.ldapTemplate = ldapTemplate;
this.groups = new HashSet<>();
* Retrieve all groups that this user belongs to.
public Set<String> getAllGroupsForUserRecursively(String userCN) {
List<String> distinguishedNames = this.ldapTemplate.search(
(AttributesMapper<String>) attrs -> attrs.get("distinguishedName").get().toString()
if (distinguishedNames.isEmpty()) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException("User not recognized in LDAP");
return this.getAllGroupsRecursivelyByUserDistinguishedName(distinguishedNames.get(0), null);
private Set<String> getAllGroupsRecursivelyByUserDistinguishedName(String dn, @Nullable String parentDN) {
List<String> results = this.ldapTemplate.search(
(AttributesMapper<String>) attrs -> attrs.get("distinguishedName").get().toString()
for (String result : results) {
if (!(result.equals(parentDN) //circular, ignore
|| this.groups.contains(result) //duplicate, ignore
)) {
this.getAllGroupsRecursivelyByUserDistinguishedName(result, dn);
return this.groups;