Hi i am trying to set up google tv emulator in my windows machine.I am able to install googleTv Adon avilable in api level 13
But when i am trying to create AVD it throws a errormessage Please install intelx86. But X86 System image is not avilable in api 13. Can anyone help me please.
The solution is to create avd with a command line.
android create avd -n GoogleTV -t 11
Where 11 is the api id. In your system this will be different then mine so first issue a comamnd
android list target
In my case it was
... id: 11 or "Google Inc.:Google TV Addon:12" Name: Google TV Addon ....
For convenience on linux you can use
android list target | grep TV -B 2
Run Android SDK Manager
and install the image it wants.
I have followed the above but none of the them are working for me , still getting the same error. this is happening o on my windows i5 machine.
Could someone tell me anyone is able to install the AVD for Google-TV on windows machine..
- Download Google TV Addon API-13
- Download Android 2.3.3 Intel x86 atom system image.
- Enter the path which Android SDK installed. Do these things follow:
- Copy ..\sdk\system-images\android-10\x86 to ..\sdk\system-images\android-13\x86
- Modify the file sdk\system-images\android-13\x86\source.properties Pkg.Desc=Android SDK Platform 3.2 Pkg.Revision=1 AndroidVersion.ApiLevel=13
- Restart AVD manager.
- Create AVD follow Google TV document.
The emulator can power on. But the performance is so poor. It always ANR and force close. I suggest you do not develop on it.