I'm not sure what's happened but my ~/.profile is no longer loading.
Can anyone see something wrong with the following?
export PS1="\u@local [\w]# "
export EDITOR="subl -w"
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
alias vst="ssh -i ~/.ssh/vst root@vst"
I know for a fact using that PS1 like I am attempting to do it should be doing Peter@local [~/path/to/file]#
but it's not.
Any ideas?
Does ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.bash_login
exist? If so, that'll be used instead of ~/.profile
In Unix FAQ (for OS X) we can read:
Bash Startup Files
When a "login shell" starts up, it reads the file
and then~/.bash_profile
(whichever one exists - it only reads ONE of these, checking for them in the order mentioned).When a "non-login shell" starts up, it reads the file
and then the file~/.bashrc
.Note that when bash is invoked with the name
, it tries to mimic the startup sequence of the Bourne shell (sh
). In particular, a non-login shell invoked assh
does not read any dot files by default. See the bash man page for details.
So if you already have ~/.bash_profile
, the file ~/.profile
won't be automatically read by bash, therefore you can add the following lines in your ~/.bash_profile
to load it:
# Load user profile file
if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then
. ~/.profile