How to pass the Document context in Xpages while calling an Agent?

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-08 21:10:33

agent.runWithDocumentContext(currentDocument.getDocument(true)). This will put all the new values inside the backend doc, so it works the same way as lotusscript does. Also, if you need to have the currentdocument computed with the notes form, set the 'computewithnotesform' property of the datasource to 'onload' or 'both'.

Since when there can be more then one document source on the xPage, I use ParameterDocID...

var id = document1.getDocument().getNoteID();
var agent = database.getAgent("MyAgent");

and in the agent...

Call GetDocument(agent.ParameterDocID)


Public Sub GetDocument(DocID As String)
On Error GoTo eh

Set Doc = Db.GetDocumentByID(DocID)

Exit Sub
Resume es
End Sub